Design Review Information

The Design Review Committee (DRC) is tasked with ensuring that a consistent standard of design and aesthetic quality are maintained throughout the Gateway Greens community.  The consistent application and maintenance of these standards for each home helps protect the long-term property values of all homes within our common interest community. 

The standards that are applied by the DRC are published in the Design Review Manual and were among the documents that all homeowners agreed to when they bought a home within Gateway Greens. Owners are reminded that DRC approval is required BEFORE any new construction or exterior alteration is made to properties within the Gateway Greens community.

Owners can apply for DRC approval using this online form or by returning a completed application to the Property Manager.

Listed below are various types of alterations, construction, repairs and maintenance items that require DRC approval BEFORE work can proceed.  This list is not all-inclusive and, if Owners are unsure if their project requires DRC approval, then please Ask the Property Manager.

The DRC committee meets every month on the second Wednesday.  All completed applications need to be submitted to the property manager by noon the Monday before the meeting.  Any applications submitted after 12pm will be reviewed at the next scheduled monthly meeting. A complete application consists of the DRC application, photos of change and all vendor information (license and insurance). 

Sample Projects Requiring Prior DRC Approval:

  • Relocation of air conditioning condensers or pool equipment
  • Roof replacement
  • Changes to walls, fences, railings or hedgerows
  • Structural additions or alterations
  • Storm shutters
  • Entry or garage door replacement
  • Window replacement
  • Pool/lanai enclosure replacement
  • Driveway or walkway replacement
  • Landscaping renovations
  • Removal and replacement of trees
  • Exterior house painting