dwellingLIVE Information

Welcome to dwellingLIVE!

Gateway Greens has recently installed the dwellingLIVE system to enhance our visitor management system. 

dwellingLIVE provides each owner and resident with tools to:

  • Authorize access to temporary guests and vendors.
  • Create and maintain permanent guest lists for longer-term guests and regularly scheduled vendors (i.e. landscapers, housekeepers, personal care assistants, “in-laws who’ll only be here a little while”, etc.)
  • Create restricted access lists (i.e. former vendors)
  • Provide the gate houses with guest lists when they’re having a party and many people are expected.
  • Notify our Access Control team when their home is going to be unoccupied for extended periods (i.e. seasonal residents)


How’s all this made possible?

There will be three ways to create, modify and delete people from your authorized guest lists.  They are:

With dwellingLIVE, you’ll have the ability to email an electronic gate pass to your guests.  With a gate pass, your guests can come and go through any gate until the electronic gate pass expires.

What if someone shows up unexpectedly?

Guests can only contact Owner or Resident from kiosks IF they entered a phone number into their dwellingLIVE account and selected “Show” for Telephone Entry Directory Display Status.

Through the dwellingLIVE portal, each Owner and Resident will be able to:

  • Establish a preferred phone number (i.e. mobile, home)
  • Create a kiosk “alias” (in the event that you don’t want your name displayed on the kiosk’s resident directory)

Each Owner or resident will have the ability to authorize guests from their preferred phone.

Figure 1. Gate Kiosk


  Please Check These dwellingLIVE Resources

dwellingLIVE Resident Tutorial Video (LPR and Auto Dialer not used)

dwellingLIVE mobile device apps.

dwellingLIVE New Gate System Frequently Asked Questions

  1. You will need to contact access control to be entered into DwellingLive. They can be reached by phone at 239-990-6647 or email [email protected].  Once Access Control has entered you, you will receive an email from DwellingLive that will have a link to the Gateway Greens dwellingLIVE web portal. The email will also have your temporary password. Your user ID will be email you gave access control when you registered.
  1. Click the link.
  2. Type in your email address and password.
  3. You will be brought to your “Guest List” page.
  4. On the upper right click “My Account”.
  5. Under “Users” click “Edit” (to the right of your email address).
  6. For account security, type in your “New Password” (minimum 6 characters).
  7. You can also set up phone numbers and call priority for gate staff to reach you and pick your preferences for your “Email / Text Message Notification Settings”.
  8. When done click the blue “Save” icon in the lower right.
  1. From the “Guest List” page you can set-up your guest lists, view guest history and restrict a guest.
  2. Please set-up your “Verbal Confirmation Code” as you will be asked for this code when calling our gate staff with guest lists changes.
  3. From the “My Account” page you can add users such as family members to the dwellingLIVE account as well as list your vehicles and pets.
  4. Q)Is my Guest List from the old system copied over?
  5. A) We were unable to import over Guest Lists from the old system. Please update and make new your dwellingLIVE guest list.


  1. Q)How far in advance should I register my guest(s)?
  2. A) If possible, please register your guests at least an hour before you expect them to arrive. Sending your guest a gate pass by e-mail is instant.
  1. Q)Does it matter what gate the guest comes through?
  2. A) When you add a guest, staff at both gates can access your guest list. There is no need to specify a gate. Please make sure your guests know your address when they approach the gate.


  1. Q) I have already registered a guest through dwellingLIVE. Do I have to add him/her again?
  2. A) You can simply edit their information to change the effective dates of their visit. Your registered guest list is visible on the opening page when you log in to your account.


  1. Q) I will be having someone (i.e. a contractor, house sitter, etc.) come by frequently for a week or two. Do I have to register him/her every time they come in? What about persons who regularly visit me (i.e. family members, close friends, service providers, etc.)?
  2. A) You can set the length of time you anticipate a person will be visiting you. dwellingLIVE will also let you establish permanent guests and determine what days they come in regularly.  Once permanent guests are issued a pass, the gate attendant will simply scan their pass every time they come through. The pass will be valid for a set period of time at which point the gate attendant will issue a new pass based on the length of time you have that person listed as a guest. 


  1. Q) I will be having a gathering at my house. How do I register my guests?
  2. A) There is an “Add Party” option in which you can create your party guest list. Once a guest list is created, you can reuse and edit that list for future gatherings. The Gate Staff will need guest information in order to hand guests the appropriate passes. If you are unsure if a guest will attend your gathering, it is best to add them to the list in case they come through.


  1. Q)What happens if a guest comes by unexpectedly? (Guest, contractor)
  2. A)Gate Staff will only grant access to registered guests. If they are not on your guest list, the Gate Staff will advise them to contact you to register them in the system. The gate attendant will not give out your phone number—we will assume the visitor knows how to contact you.


  1. Q) There is a person I no longer want to visit my home. What do I do? 
  2. A) You can remove any guests from your guest list at any time. You also have the option to “Restrict Guest” via dwellingLIVE. This feature allows you to alert the Gate Staff not to issue a pass to that person for your address. However, persons or service providers may be a guest of another resident to which Gate Staff is required to grant access.


  1. Q) I have a renter at my property, how do I add them to the Users Account?
  2. A) As per our covenants, all rentals or leases, new or renewal, must have prior approval from our management company. Once we have that approval, we can add your renter to the Users Account. Their access will expire when the lease expires. Renters will not be able to purchase a transponder unless they are approved renters. For more information on our rental and lease policy, CLICK HERE.


  1. Q) What happens if I haven’t received an email with the dwellingLIVE link?
  2. A)Send an email to [email protected] or call (239) 990-6647. Please include the legal name of the owner, the address, the primary phone number and the email address you prefer (if not the email you are sending from).

Ask the Property Manager

Please complete the following fields and then select Submit. Contact information is required so we may contact you with the necessary follow-up.